Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Field Trip #1 Reaction

                           This year has marked the 10th anniversary of the tragic attacks that happened on September 11, 2001. When these attacks happened I can remember exactly were and what I was doing. I was in my fourth grade class learning about something. All sudden the kids in the back were pointing to window saying, that smoke was coming out of two buildings. Then an announcement came on saying that two airplanes had hit the world trade center buildings. After that all the kids in the class rushed to the window and watched the building burn from the windows. The teacher then sat all the kids down and parents then started picking up their children from school.After September 11, 2001 many things have changed for the better and worse. One thing that have changed is that airport security has become more stricter and in some case more stressful. Also after 9.11 some Muslims have even been discriminated by others.  
                         First piece of art that  jumped out was a painting by the name of "3.01.2001" by Todd Stone. This painting was showing one of the twin towers right after one of the planes went into it. The artist also uses many shades of grey to depict the smoke and the color of the tower. The reason why i picked this artwork is because it reminded me of all the smoke I saw coming from the towers of September 11 from my classroom window, newspapers, and on TV.  
                         Another artwork I chose was named "Untitled (Questions)" by Barbara Kruger. The artwork shows an American flag. But instead of white stripes, there are white bolded words that spell out questions. Some of the questions of the painting. Some of the questions on the painting are Who is free choose, Who is healed, Who salutes Longest etc. Also were the stars belong there is a statement in white letters that say Look For The Moment When Pride Becomes Contempt. I believe the meaning of this artwork is that you should not make the government or anyone else take away your freedom. Also if you feel the law is affecting your rights, you should never stop fighting for your freedom.
                          The last piece of art that caught my eye was "The Forty Part Motet" by Janet Cardiff. Reason why it caught my eye is because it was in a huge room and in side the room there, was forty black speakers with music coming out of them. The interesting thing about this display is that each speaker in the room had a different person singing through it. Also to get the full effect of the display there was a bench that was in the center of the speakers were u can hear all of the speakers  at once.I though this piece was different and very interesting compared to the other artworks.                        
                       As you can see the attacks on 9/11 have affected the American culture in many ways than one. All the work I have seen this day had to do something with 9/11. The pieces of art work I chose were the most eye popping to me and made me have a different perspective on 9/11 through an artist's eyes.

Todd Stone

Barbara Kruger

Janet Cardiff
"The Forty Part Motet"

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Art

Bad art

Post #1: Good Art/Bad Art

        Personally I believe that good art or bad art depends on the person who you are asking the question to. But for myself I think good art is something that you can relate too. For example if a Yankee fan saw an artwork about the Yankees he will appreciate it more than someone who lives in Boston who is a Red Sox fan. Also I believe good art is something that moves you when you see it for the first time. For example I believe if you see a good piece of artwork you wont forget that easily and it will be stuck in your head.

                    Bad art I believe is something that does not look good. For example art that does not have good color coordination and bad shading. Another example of bad art is when an artist just splat paint on and empty canvas and call it art. Bad art also can be something you look at and it does not move you. It can be an art work that is dull or just does not make sense to you. This is my opinion on good art and bad art and I do believe good/bad art is judged on the person you are asking.